Abstrak: Pengabdian Masyarakat ini mengangkat kegiatan mengenai pelatihan pembuatan Game menggunakan Game Engine Unity. Unity merupakan salah satu Game Engine terpopuler saat ini. Dikarenakan game engine ini mampu untuk menghasilkan game lintas platform sistem operasi. PKM ini diadakan bersama siswa SMK Islam Darurrohman Sukawangi Kabupaten Bekasi. Kegiatan ini di adakan di SMK Islam Darurrohman Sukawangi Kabupaten Bekasi. Dari kegiatan ini peserta diajarkan step-step pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan unity. Peserta diajarkan teknik instalasi, pembuatan objek dasar dan game dasar. Evaluasi kegiatan berupa beberapa tugas latihan dari pemateri yang dikumpulkan di kemudian hari. Tugas ini dikerjakan disekolah mereka masing-masing. Hasil dari penghargaan peserta ini diberikan berupa sertifikat kepada masing-masing peserta. Hasil pekerjaan projek terbaik diberikan hadiah tambahan dari pemateri.
Kata Kunci : Aplikasi, Game, Pelatihan, SMK, Unity.
Abstract: This Community Service raises activities regarding game making training using Game Engine Unity. Unity is one of the most popular Game Engines today. Because this game engine is capable of producing cross-platform games for operating systems. This PKM was held with students of SMK Islam Darurrohman Sukawangi Kabupaten Bekasi. This activity was held at the Faculty of Computer Science, Lancang Kuning University. From this activity, participants were taught the steps for making applications using Unity. Participants are taught installation techniques, basic object creation and basic games. Evaluation of activities in the form of several exercise assignments from the presenters who were collected at a later date. This task is done in their respective schools. The results of this participant award are given in the form of a certificate to each participant. The best project work is given additional prizes from the presenters.
Keywords: Applications, Games, Training, Vocational High School, Unity.
Daftar Pustaka
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