Edukasi Pemasaran Digital Pada UMKM Womenpreneur di Pantai Carita, Banten
The purpose of this activity is to provide digital marketing education to womenpreneur MSME entrepreneurs in Carita Beach, Banten. This PKM activity is aimed at housewives as many as 8 (eight) business actors. The stages of PKM activities include interviews and also an introduction to digital marketing media that are commonly used, general terms and digital marketing and begin and close with a pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of interviews with these womenpreneur MSME business actors, the average last education is elementary and junior high school, so that when filling out the pre-test and post-test there are obstacles, namely the inability to read, besides that they do not know and understand much terms in marketing digital. Based on the results of discussions with the participants, some have used Instagram and WhatsApp in digital promotion but still use personal Instagram or personal WhatsApp, not Instagram or WhatsApp specifically to carry out digital promotions for their business. The results of the pre-test showed ignorance or lack of understanding of PKM participants regarding digital marketing content and media for business, but after the delivery of materials and discussion sessions was completed, the post-test results for PKM participants showed an increase in content and digital marketing media for business.
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